We should take care the following points on wordpress seo:
1. meta title:
We shoud let wordpress shows different titles for homepage, page, post, categories, very simple, replace the original title related code to
<title><?php wp_title(‘«’, true, ‘right’); ?> <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></title>
2. page title
Save as meta title, we can use the following code:
<h1><a href=”http://www.glassesexperts.com/”><?php if ( is_single() || is_page() || is_category() || is_tag() ) { wp_title(”); } else { bloginfo(‘name’); } ?></a></h1>
3. Change “Related Post” to “More posts about keywords”
4. Add “nofollow” to “Read more”
5. Do not use static page as homepage.
6. H1 for your main keywords, not for your blog’s title; H2 for your article related descriptions, such as different categories, and tag cloud; H3 for other related content, such as related articles; and strong for the keywords in the content of the articles.