Bulk Delete Magento 2.3 Orders

By default, magento 2.3 does not support bulk delete orders, so we have to use a third-party module. I have tried w3ctrl-module-delete-orders successfully to delete all orders under https://www.extraglasses.com/.
First, download the module from marketplace.magento.com/w3ctrl-module-delete-orders.htm, you also can download it from w3ctrl.com/product/magento-2-delete-orders/

Second, unzip the file, you will get only one folder, named w3ctrl-module-delete-orders-1.0.0, here we have to generate 2 folders, first generate W3ctrl, then go into W3ctrl, and under it generate another folder: DeleteOrders, copy all files under w3ctrl-module-delete-orders-1.0.0 to DeleteOrders.

Third, upload W3ctrl to app/code.

Forth, run the following command:
php bin/magento module:enable W3ctrl_DeleteOrders
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
sudo chmod -R 777 var/* pub/* generated/*

Fifth, go to: STORES –> Configuration –> W3ctr –> Delete Orders, and enable the module, set Active to Yes.

Sixth, Clear Cache, and you can delete orders in bulk!

Remember, after you have deleted your orders, for safety purpose, please disable the module:
php bin/magento module:disable W3ctrl_DeleteOrders
php bin/magento setup:di:compile