After we successfully installed Redis, if we run:
We will get the following errors:
-bash: redis-cli: command not found
Run the following command, and we will find the location of the command of redis-cli
which redis-cli
Just add ‘/usr/local/redis/bin’ to Environment Variables in Linux
How to Set and List Environment Variables in Linux?
echo $PATH
This command will list Environment Variables in Linux.
How to add ‘/usr/local/redis/bin’ to Environment Variables in Linux, then?
#vi ~/.bash_profile
export PATH
Save and exit.
source ~/.bash_profile
The newly added Environment Variable will be active right away.
Now we can run redis-cli successfully.
Use Redis for the Magento page and default cache
bin/magento setup:config:set –cache-backend=redis –cache-backend-redis-server= –cache-backend-redis-db=0
bin/magento setup:config:set –page-cache=redis –page-cache-redis-server= –page-cache-redis-db=1
Redis monitor command
In a command prompt on the server on which Redis is running, enter:
redis-cli monitor
We have shared the method to install redis-cli for CentOS7, and Centos 8. Next I will share how to install redis under Ubuntu 18.0.4 and Ubuntu 20.0.4:
First, same as CentoOS, we need to know where redis-cli is:
Run the following command, and we will find the location of the command of redis-cli
which redis-cli
Just add ‘/usr/local/redis/bin’ to Environment Variables in Ubuntu
How to Set and List Environment Variables in Ubuntu then?
Open the Environment Variables (profile, which is under etc folder) of Ubuntu.
sudo gedit /etc/profile
And at the end of the file, add the following 2 lines:
export REDIS_HOME=/usr/local/redis
How to set environment variable on Ubuntu
On Ubuntu, there are two system-wide environment variables, both files need admin or sudo
to modify it.
– It is not a script file, purely assignment expressions, one per line.
Reboot Ubuntu. OK
How about Debian then?
# echo $PATH
# sudo vim ~/.bashrc
export PATH=”$PATH:<what_do_you_add>”
export PATH=”$PATH::/usr/local/redis/bin”
# source ~/.bashrc
This source ~/.bashrc command will be reload your shell session.