How to remove magento parent category path from sub category url

How to remove parent category path from sub category url? Instance: I just want the category c url is Edit /app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Url.php Find around line 632 and change: //if (null === $parentPath) { //$parentPath = $this->getResource()->getCategoryParentPath($category); //} //elseif ($parentPath… Read moreHow to remove magento parent category path from sub category url

Zen-Cart Can not Run Admin

When visit zen-cart (V1.3.8a) amdin log in page, it shows: Fatal error: Class ‘notifier’ not found in /home/myhost/public_html/myshop/includes/autoload_func.php on line 79 modify configure.php under admin/includes define(‘DIR_FS_CATALOG’, ‘/home/myhost/myshop);  to   define(‘DIR_FS_CATALOG’, ‘/home/myhost/myshop/’); Always best to run zc_install to build the configure.php… Read moreZen-Cart Can not Run Admin

X-cart v4.4.0 shows Customer Feedback at header

How to show Customer Feedback at header of detailed product page? 1. Go to skin/common_files/modules/Customer_Reviews/, creat a filed called vote_reviews_header.tpl, and open it. 2. Add the following code in vote_reviews_header.tpl:

Remove Any Unnecessary Files of WordPress

How can we remove the /wp-includes/js/comment-reply.js?ver=20090102 script tag? 2 steps: first edit wp-includes/functions.php, add the follow code at the end of functions.php: function clean_header(){ wp_deregister_script( ‘comment-reply’ ); } second, edit wp-includes/default-filters.php, add the next line at proper place: add_action(‘init’,’clean_header’);