PHP code for WordPress breadcrumb navigation
We all know that breadcrumb navigation is very important for SEO, how to add this for our WordPress blogs then? First, add the following code at the end of functions.php:
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We all know that breadcrumb navigation is very important for SEO, how to add this for our WordPress blogs then? First, add the following code at the end of functions.php:
In order to let you understand my PHP code easily on how to generate all strings with 3 lowercases, I will share the code with you on how to generate all 26 single letters from a to z; next, generate… Read moreHow to generate all strings with 3 lowercases?
Sometimes it is very difficult for us to publish an article if all the articles have 2 or more different article resources from other sites. In this case, we can not copy directly. We can use PHP code:
First step, edit postauth.php which is under root folder. Find $pages_menu = func_query(“SELECT * FROM ” . $sql_tbl[‘pages’] . ” WHERE language=’” . $store_language . “‘ AND active=’Y’ AND level=’E’ AND show_in_menu=’Y’ ORDER BY orderby, title”); $smarty->assign(‘pages_menu’, $pages_menu); Add the… Read moreHow to display 3 latest articles at homepage of x-cart v4.7.4?
At, several categories only have one product. The default category will only display one product, which makes the category looks very ugly, I think if a category only has one product, we can hide the category when a visitor… Read moreHow to let X-cart redirect to product page directly?
We all know that HostGator has set a custom 404 error page for all hosted websites, the visitor leaves your website and reaches to HostGator website. It is really very bad for your site and SEO. Can we keep the… Read moreHostGator Page Not Found for Zen-Cart
Use composter to install symphony: Install Composer: download composer at and setup it. First install wamp at your computer, say you have installed wamp at D:/wamp, and have run it. Create a fold, named symfony, and install symfony under… Read moreHow to Install Symfony 3 under Window 10?
$ sudo curl -LsS -o /usr/local/bin/symfony $ sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/symfony This will create a global symfony command in your system. — $ symfony new my_project_name // $ symfony new blog use the most recent version in any Symfony… Read moreHow to Install Symfony 2.8 under Ubuntu 16.04?
// Route::post($uri, $callback); Route::post(‘/eyeglasses’, function () { echo ‘post’; }); When running the code under postman, the errors are: Whoops, looks like something went wrong. 1/1 TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 67: in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 67 at VerifyCsrfToken->handle(object(Request), object(Closure)) at call_user_func_array(array(object(VerifyCsrfToken),… Read moreLaravel 5.2 Post: TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 67:
If we set “Maximum product image width” and “Maximum product image height” too big, say set “Maximum product image width” to 500, and set “Maximum product image height” to 250. We can visit the product image on the product page… Read moreX-cart Product Image Is too Wide under Mobile!