Make a string’s first character uppercase

ucfirst — Make a string’s first character uppercase example: $coo= ‘clay desiccant!’; $coo= ucfirst($desiccant); // Clay desiccant! $bar = ‘CLAY DESICCANT!’; $bar = ucfirst($bar); // CLAY DESICCANT! $bar = ucfirst(strtolower($bar)); // Clay desiccant!

Using php to control many domains withing one web host

can build many web sites, with one web host, one site with one different domain, just using php, it can make you very happy, save your money. $arrays=array( ’’=>’money/index.html’, ’’=>’insurance/index.html’, ’’=>’car/index.html’, ’’=>’travel/index.html’, ’’=>’forum/index.php’, ); $url = $arrays[$_SERVER[’HTTP_HOST’]]; Header(”Location: $url”); ?>