How to add different custom text at different Category of X-cart 4.7?

Edit /skin/reboot/customer/main/subcategories.tpl, add the following codes at the proper place: {if $current_category.categoryid eq “1”} <div class=”details-summary-accordion” itemscope itemtype=””> <details class=”my-1″ itemscope itemprop=”mainEntity” itemtype=””> <summary class=”h4 bg-light border rounded px-3 py-2″ itemprop=”name”>How to Order the Best Fashion Safety Glasses?</summary> <div itemscope… Read moreHow to add different custom text at different Category of X-cart 4.7?

X-cart V4.7.8 Customer Head Menu

<li><a href=”javascript:;”>Eyeglasses</a> <ul class=”dropdown”> {foreach from=$categories_menu_list item=c} <li><a href=”home.php?cat={$c.categoryid}”>{$c.category}{if $c.top_product_count} ({$c.top_product_count}){/if}</a> {if $c.childs} {foreach from=$c.childs item=sc name=sc} {if $}<ul class=”dropdown”>{/if} <li><a href=”home.php?cat={$sc.categoryid}”>{$sc.category}{if $sc.top_product_count} ({$sc.top_product_count}){/if}</a> {if $sc.childs} {foreach from=$sc.childs item=ssc name=ssc} {if $smarty.foreach.ssc.first}<ul class=”dropdown”>{/if} <li><a href=”home.php?cat={$ssc.categoryid}”>{$ssc.category}{if $ssc.top_product_count} ({$ssc.top_product_count}){/if}</a> {if $ssc.childs} {foreach… Read moreX-cart V4.7.8 Customer Head Menu

X-cart Seo For Nginx

Create a file called xcart.conf, and add the following code in this new file: if ($uri !~ “^/(payment|admin|provider|partner)/”){ set $rule_0 1$rule_0; } if ($request_filename !~ “\.(gif|jpe?g|png|js|css|swf|php|ico)$”){ set $rule_0 2$rule_0; } if (!-f $request_filename){ set $rule_0 3$rule_0; } if (!-d $request_filename){… Read moreX-cart Seo For Nginx

X-cart v4: remove home.php

how to remove home.php of v4.6.4 completely? If you need to change the link of your web-site’s logo, from /home.php to /, just modify this file: common_files/customer/head.tpl – find this code: <code> <div class=”logo”><a href=”{$catalogs.customer}/home.php”><img src=”{$ImagesDir}/xlogo.gif” alt=”” /></a></div> </code> and… Read moreX-cart v4: remove home.php